Cybersnooze ft. Adventures in Ideology

We’re joined by the hosts of one of our favourite shows, Adventures in Ideology, to talk about the first Cyberquest story, The Pharaoh’s Tomb, by Sigmund Brouwer. It’s Christian propaganda with a thin veneer of science fiction. Like a single coat of science applied with a poor brush by an unskilled painter.

Please don’t read this book. Please forgive us for reading it.

Music at the front of this episode is courtesy of Ross Bugden.

Double the Helix Double the Fun!

Let us take you on a magical journey into a story from those days of yore. A story of miracle children, virgin births, and the struggle between good and evil. Let us take you into this ancient text from 1996… Double Helix. To help us decode this Contemporary Christian Techno Thriller we have resident biologist Candace along for the ride. In the spirit of the title of this book we are sending you a double length episode with twice as much re-cap and analysis of this horrible book as you typically get.

PS: I love you all and am glad to report that a new Emissaries of Profits will be dropping in a few days.