Assassins and Assets – Anna ft. Alex

The Androids and Assets team goes undercover as a spy thriller podcast to review Luc Besson’s 2019 thriller, Anna.

We’re pleased to be joined by Alex, President of the Edmonton chapter of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians.

Hugo Shortlisted Short Stories I

Stephen and Marshall get serious talking about the Hugo short listed short stories in part one of our three part series. Today we cover “Open House on Haunted Hill” by John Wiswell and “Badass Moms in the Zombie Apocalypse” by Rae Carson.

Cybersnooze ft. Adventures in Ideology

We’re joined by the hosts of one of our favourite shows, Adventures in Ideology, to talk about the first Cyberquest story, The Pharaoh’s Tomb, by Sigmund Brouwer. It’s Christian propaganda with a thin veneer of science fiction. Like a single coat of science applied with a poor brush by an unskilled painter.

Please don’t read this book. Please forgive us for reading it.

Music at the front of this episode is courtesy of Ross Bugden.

Emissaries of Profits – “Improbable Cause” and “The Die is Cast”

We discuss Tain’s Plot to preempt the Dominion War in Deep Space Nine episodes 20 and 21, “Improbable Cause” and “The Die is Cast”. We get into the real life failings of spies and the probability of hiding

Entertainment and Control, In Conversation with Peter F. Hamilton and Gareth L. Powell

Special guests and legends of Space Opera, Peter F. Hamilton and Gareth L. Powell, generously took time to talk to us about their newly released novella, Light Chaser.


Seven of Infinities by Aliette de Bodard

Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

Emissaries of Profits — “Through the Looking Glass” ft. Leslie Lee

The boys sit down with Struggle Session co-host Leslie Lee to talk about DS9 Season 3 Episode 19 “Through the Looking Glass” and reflect on the meaning of the mirror universe.

Through the Looking Glass

Ben is abducted from Deep Space Nine and taken to the mirror universe where he bones the counterparts of his two women senior officers. He also saves the nascent Terran rebellion from the Alliance and proves once again how bad ass he is.

Emissaries of Profits — “Visionary” and “Distant Voices”

O’Brien sees himself die and deals with it. Bashir worries about turning 30 and how eventually one day he’ll die and it almost kills him. We also discuss the wisdom of provoking the Dominion and the shortcomings of Jungian analysis.


Romulans are on the station to discuss the Dominion threat and O’Brien is time traveling to solve problems before they even happen. In the end, O’Brien is replaced with a slightly older version of himself.

Distant Voices

Bashir makes an enemy of Lethean who is trying to obtain a controlled substance. The Lethean gets inside his head and tortures him (and the audience) with Jungian archetypes. Bashir survives and experiences some personal growth

Emissaries of Profits — “Destiny” and “Prophet Motive”

Stephen and Marshall review Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 3 Episode 15 “Destiny” and Season 3 Episode 14 “Prophet Motive”. We talk about everyone’s favorite topic… Imaginary religions.

Losing Humanity, In Conversation with Neil Sharpson

We are joined by Neil Sharpson author of debut novel, When the Sparrow Falls. It’s a clever and engaging science-fiction thriller looking at artificial intelligence, totalitarianism, and transhumanism available from Tor books on June 29.

You can find Neil at and on Twitter.

Recommended Works

Shadowplay by Joseph O’Connor

Life and Death and Death and Death in Palm Springs ft. Seth

Seth from Hugos There, Take Me To Your Reader, Brief & Not So Brief joins us to discuss Palm Springs. We talk about Cartesian Dualism, capitalism, and what is a life worth living.

Seth hosts Hugos There, a monthly podcast talking about Hugo Award winning novels with a guest(s). It’s great. Check it out. You can also hear him on Take Me To Your Reader

Other Works Mentioned

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things directed by Ian Samuels, screenplay by Lev Grossman

Being and Time by Martin Heidegger

One-Minute Time Machine directed by Devon Avery, written by Sean Crouch