Brokerage and Banditry in Conversation with James D’Amato

Return guest James D’Amato is back to resolve the question of currency on Campaign Skyjacks. So man the rigging and secure lines because we are headed into the sky. Stay till the end for a special insight into the future of 2021, as James draws a luminary to reveal what lays ahead.


The Traitor Baru Cormorant Seth Dickenson (2015)

James is the president of the One Shot Network and also has some fantastic books. You can find themĀ here.

Algorithms and Apocalypse, In conversation with Louis Evans

A conversation with author Louis Evans, in which we discuss his recent short story Flash Crash, published by the good people at Escape Pod. We talk commerce, nuclear war, and the nature of value.

If you want to read/hear Flash Crash follow this link:

In this interview Louis Recomends the following texts:

Fondly Fahrenheit by Alfred Bester

China Mountain Zhang by Maureen F. McHugh

The Sorcerer Of The Wildeeps by Kai Ashante Wilson

In Conversation with Karl Schroeder

In early October Androids and Assets had the pleasure of speaking with author, Karl Schroeder.

Karl is the author of many books and short stories. The most recent is Stealing Worlds an excellent near-future novel full of incredible ideas and a fun action-y, mystery-ish story. It’s available from Tor Books and is well worth reading.

We spoke to Karl about economics and capitalism and the future. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.